About Me

So here’s a bit about me, personally.

These days I live in Delaware County (aka, just east of Middle of Nowhere) New York, get­ting here by way of New York City, Connecticut, Cincinnati, Columbus, Roanoke, Richmond, and oth­er places.

I love sci­ence and his­to­ry, and I spend way too much time teach­ing myself about all sorts of odd sub­jects. These mini-obses­sions last a week or two: geo­caching, hik­ing, wood­work­ing, pro­gram­ming, pad­dle­ball, rac­quet­ball, cook­ing, and more. Some I stick with longer than oth­ers, but I get some­thing out of them all. I’m an ama­teur pho­tog­ra­ph­er and I love image and video editing.

I enjoy think­ing about the pre­sen­ta­tion of infor­ma­tion — what’s the best way to tell some­one what they need to know? My degree’s in phi­los­o­phy. It’s been more use­ful than you might think. I read lots of non-fic­tion — his­to­ry and sci­ence for the most part, but any­thing, real­ly. And I read a ton of fic­tion — sci-fi, mys­tery, hor­ror, or just plain lit. Here, have some con­ver­sa­tion starters…


* Like a murder of crows or a parliament of owls



I’m a suck­er for a good read with a hap­py end­ing. So any­thing by…

In gen­er­al…



Argh… so many! In no par­tic­u­lar order:


I like all sorts of music, but I’m not a huge music per­son. I avoid rap, and I like stuff from the ’30s and ’40s along with some good ’70s rock. But real­ly, any­thing that isn’t AutoTuned to death. 

(What, you want specifics? All righty… Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, ELO, Arctic Monkeys, the Monkees, the Beach Boys, the Ramones, Creedence, AC/DC, Alan Parsons Project… ugh, the list goes on. The Who, Hayley Westenra, Proclaimers, the Beatles … sheesh, it’s still going. Hooters,Tom Petty, Elton John … and that’s enough, right?)

The miscellaneous stuff

I’m a ground­ed geek — I love tech­nol­o­gy, but it has to be use­ful. So I play a lot with Web sites, build­ing things just for the heck of it: mes­sage boards, wikis, pho­to albums, polls, and so on, just to see if I can make them crazy easy to use. 

For no oth­er rea­son, I built my own bit.ly-style URL short­en­er at fllw.me, and cre­at­ed a cus­tomized Web-based mail sys­tem just for myself. 

I find cool­ness in the mun­dane. I’m the guy in the office who every­one comes to if they need com­put­er trou­bleshoot­ing, want to buy a dig­i­tal cam­era, feel like start­ing a blog, and so on. And I do most of my writ­ing with a foun­tain pen or a pencil.

Cool stuff I’ve done

And that’s me. Well, bare­ly. It’s a vague out­line any­way. If you came here won­der­ing “Who is this guy,” maybe you have at least a few answers. Want more? Drop me a line!