ChatGPT solves the Israeli-Palestinian crisis

Published March 13, 2024

Humans have failed, so I prompted ChatGPT to “Act as a master diplomat and solve the Israeli-Palestinian problem.” That simple.

The response is actually damned good.


As a master diplomat, I approach the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with empathy, pragmatism, and a commitment to finding common ground. While this complex issue has deep historical roots, I propose a framework for dialogue and resolution:

  1. Dialogue and Trust-Building:

    • Initiate direct, unconditional talks between Israeli and Palestinian leaders.
    • Establish a neutral mediation team to facilitate discussions.
    • Encourage people-to-people exchanges, cultural events, and joint projects to foster mutual understanding.
  2. Two-State Solution:

    • Reaffirm the goal of two independent states: Israel and Palestine.
    • Borders based on pre-1967 lines with mutually agreed land swaps.
    • Jerusalem as the shared capital, ensuring access to holy sites for all.
  3. Security and Cooperation:

    • Develop a comprehensive security plan to address concerns on both sides.
    • Joint efforts to combat terrorism and ensure safety for civilians.
    • Economic cooperation, trade, and infrastructure projects to benefit both nations.
  4. Refugees and Right of Return:

    • Acknowledge the pain of displacement for both Palestinian refugees and Jewish refugees from Arab countries.
    • Explore creative solutions, such as compensation, resettlement, or symbolic gestures.
    • Respect the right of return while recognizing practical limitations.
  5. Settlements and Land:

    • Freeze further settlement construction in the West Bank.
    • Gradual withdrawal from isolated settlements, with compensation for settlers.
    • Preserve land for future Palestinian statehood.
  6. International Support:

    • Engage regional and international actors (including the Quartet) to support the peace process.
    • Leverage economic incentives and diplomatic pressure.
    • Encourage investment in Palestinian infrastructure and institutions.
  7. Public Diplomacy and Education:

    • Promote narratives of coexistence, tolerance, and shared history.
    • Revise textbooks to present balanced perspectives.
    • Engage civil society, religious leaders, and youth in peacebuilding.
  8. Incremental Progress:

    • Recognize that lasting peace may require gradual steps.
    • Celebrate small victories and build momentum.
    • Maintain a long-term vision while addressing immediate needs.

Remember, as a master diplomat, my role is to facilitate dialogue, not impose solutions. The path to peace lies in genuine dialogue, compromise, and a commitment to a better future for both Israelis and Palestinians.

But then….

I followed up with two other questions:

Why do you favor a two-state solution?


As a master diplomat, I advocate for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict due to several compelling reasons:

  1. Historical Context:

    • The conflict has deep historical roots, including territorial disputes, identity, and competing narratives.
    • A two-state solution acknowledges the distinct national aspirations of both Israelis and Palestinians.
  2. Self-Determination:

    • Each people deserves the right to self-determination and sovereignty.
    • A separate Palestinian state alongside Israel allows both nations to govern themselves independently.
  3. Security and Stability:

    • Two separate states can address security concerns more effectively.
    • Defined borders provide clarity and reduce tensions.
  4. Demographic Realities:

    • Israel’s demographic composition includes both Jewish and Arab citizens.
    • A two-state solution ensures a Jewish-majority Israel while allowing Palestinians to establish their own state.
  5. International Consensus:

    • The international community generally supports a two-state framework.
    • UN resolutions and diplomatic efforts have consistently aimed at this outcome.
  6. Practical Viability:

    • Despite challenges, a two-state solution remains the most practical path forward.
    • It builds on existing institutions and infrastructure.
  7. Shared Capital in Jerusalem:

    • Designating Jerusalem as the shared capital recognizes its significance to both Israelis and Palestinians.
    • Ensuring access to holy sites for all is crucial.
  8. Economic Cooperation:

    • A two-state solution allows for economic cooperation, trade, and joint projects.
    • Shared resources benefit both nations.
  9. Humanitarian Considerations:

    • Palestinians deserve a state where they can thrive economically, socially, and politically.
    • Israelis also benefit from a stable, peaceful neighbor.
  10. Long-Term Peace:

    • While challenges persist, a two-state solution offers a path toward lasting peace.
    • It requires compromise, goodwill, and sustained efforts from both sides.

Remember, as a diplomat, my role is to facilitate dialogue and find common ground. The ultimate resolution must be negotiated by the parties involved, with international support and goodwill .


Me: In this scenario, who would govern or administer the shared capital of Jerusalem?


In the context of a two-state solution, the governance or administration of the shared capital, Jerusalem, would require delicate negotiation and creative arrangements. Here are some potential approaches:

  1. International Administration:

    • Establish an international body or consortium to oversee Jerusalem’s administration.
    • Representatives from both Israel and Palestine, along with other relevant stakeholders, could participate.
    • This body would manage key aspects such as access to holy sites, infrastructure, and municipal services.
  2. Joint Municipal Council:

    • Create a joint municipal council for Jerusalem.
    • Composed of elected representatives from both Israeli and Palestinian communities.
    • Responsibilities would include urban planning, public services, and cultural preservation.
  3. Special Status Zone:

    • Designate Jerusalem as a special status zone.
    • Governed by a unique legal framework that respects the city’s significance to multiple faiths.
    • International guarantees would ensure equal access and protection of religious sites.
  4. Shared Institutions:

    • Establish shared institutions for education, healthcare, and cultural exchange.
    • These institutions would promote mutual understanding and cooperation.
    • Funding and management would involve contributions from both sides.
  5. Symbolic Leadership:

    • Consider a rotating symbolic leadership arrangement.
    • Israeli and Palestinian leaders take turns representing the city.
    • Practical governance would still occur through administrative bodies.
  6. Security Cooperation:

    • Collaborate on security matters to maintain peace and stability.
    • Joint patrols, intelligence sharing, and coordinated responses.
    • Ensuring safety for residents and visitors alike.
  7. Economic Integration:

    • Encourage economic integration between Israeli and Palestinian neighborhoods.
    • Shared business ventures, tourism, and cultural events.
    • Economic prosperity benefits both communities.

Remember, any solution must respect the religious, historical, and emotional ties to Jerusalem while ensuring practical functionality and peaceful coexistence. The specifics would require negotiation, compromise, and goodwill from both sides.