- 1940-something-Ireland
- 1940-something 00736-01
- 1940s dad car big
- 1940s-Dad's
- 1944 momteen
- 1954-04-04 Min-Eli-Wedding-Ceremony
- 1954-0404-mom dad wedding
- 1970-Don-Trophies
- 1970s-Min Eli Fran Ronnie
- 1970s-family
- 1970s-min eli
- 1971 AK-Eli-camera
- 1972-0502-Don
- 1972-0502-family
- 1972-0502-family2
- 1972 Kantors
- 1974-05 AK-Doolittle
- 1974-06-fran-grad
- 1988 Don-Madi
- 1996-06 Don-Madi-Noah
- 1996-12-24 Dorene
- 1999-1126-thanksgiving---irelands-eating
- 2000-1225 Xmas at the Irelands 05
- 2000-1225 Xmas at the Irelands 06
- 2000-1225 Xmas at the Irelands 10
- 2000-1225 Xmas at the Irelands 14
- 2000-1225 Xmas at the Irelands 15
- 2000-1225 Xmas at the Irelands 17
- 2000-1225 Xmas at the Irelands 18
- 2001 Ronnie 1
- 2002-03-23 It's Noah
- 2002-03-23 Young Indy
- 2003-05-19 Dad and Sam 2
- 2003-05-19 Sam Attacks Mom
- 2003-10-07 Ginny and Sam
- 2003-10-10 Fran Wedding-024
- 2004-02-29 Sam and Ginny in Woods
- 2004-05-31 Indy Looks Bored
- 2004-12-25 Christmas 15
- 2004-12-25 Christmas 16
- 2004-12-25 Christmas 17
- 2005-04-16 08
- 2005-04-16 09
- 2005-04-16 17
- 2005-06-19 3029
- 2005-06-19 3046
- 2005-06-19 Sam and Madi
- 2005-0618 Dorene Wedding 294
- 2005-0618 Dorene Wedding 299
- 2005-0618 Dorene Wedding 300