Commonwealth Magazine

Commonwealth wasn’t your typ­i­cal asso­ci­a­tion mag­a­zine — at least not on my watch. It had an acces­si­ble voice, a pro­fes­sion­al but read­able tone, and it’s full of use­ful stuff — news, well-researched fea­tures, stats, and a lot more. When I was brought in to the mag­a­zine I had the task of turn­ing an ordi­nary ‘trade rag’ into some­thing peo­ple would actu­al­ly want to read. I think I suc­ceed­ed, at least judg­ing by the read­er sur­veys we ran. More real estate pros in Virginia read Commonwealth than read the National Association of Realtors’ mag­a­zine — and most peo­ple read most of the mag­a­zine. Yes, I’m proud. 

Obamacare: What you need to know

Published October 10, 2013 The major pro­vi­sions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act — the PPACA, but we’ll call it Obamacare like every­one else — take effect on January 1, 2014. Because most Realtors are inde­pen­dent con­trac­tors, and 28% are unin­sured (accord­ing to NAR), the law has some sig­nif­i­cant effects for the pro­fes­sion. Depending on your sit­u­a­tion […]

Watch Your Step

Published August 8, 2013 The messy real estate mar­ket means there are scam­mers, scoundrels, rogues, and ras­cals tar­get­ing Realtors and their clients. And they’ve got plen­ty of cons and rip-offs at their fin­ger­tips.

Signs of Life

Published August 8, 2012 I wrote this sto­ry off the cuff one after­noon — it was orig­i­nal­ly intend­ed as a blog post, but it just… grew. It ran as a cov­er sto­ry, and a ver­sion also appeared as an op-ed in the Virginian-Pilot.